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In our community, alarming statistics and extensive research underline the pressing need to create opportunities for youth development, particularly for the most vulnerable. At Neutral Ground, we are committed to equipping young individuals with transformative tools that foster both physical and emotional growth, instilling hope for a positive future. This vision led to the establishment of the Neutral Ground Boxing Club (NGBC). 

Since March 2021, Neutral Ground has gathered a dedicated group of 20-30 youth, family members, and community members three times a week. During our sessions, we focus on boxing skills, and sparring, and incorporate plenty of strength and conditioning drills, ultimately concluding each night with a restorative circle.

NGBC is specifically designed to reach some of our most at-risk youth by combining sports programming with restorative practices. Our objective is to provide free or no-cost sports opportunities for older participants, typically between the ages of 10 and 18, who may have deeper involvement with gangs. Through our boxing program, we aim to redirect their lives towards a positive trajectory, reintegrate them into programs, schools, positive influences, and strengthen family bonds, building violence-free, strong, healthy, and meaningful futures.

We are delighted to highlight some notable achievements of NGBC! Throughout the year, NGBC has successfully attracted a substantial number of youth and families, with a total of 108 individuals actively participating. This high level of engagement demonstrates the program's effectiveness in reaching and retaining participants, showcasing a strong response from the community. By emphasizing pro-social engagement and physical exercise, participants have shown remarkable reductions in anti-social behaviors commonly associated with gang involvement. The structured environment, complemented by mentorship and a sense of community, has played a pivotal role in fostering positive behavioral changes among program participants.

We take immense pride in the progress made and the impact NGBC has had on the lives of our participants. Moving forward, we remain dedicated to providing a safe and empowering space for youth and families, promoting personal growth, and steering them away from negative influences.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support of the Neutral Ground Boxing Club. Together, we are making a tangible difference in the lives of the community we serve. With gloves at the ready, we are actively changing the story and shaping a brighter future.

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To learn more about what we do at the Neutral Ground Boxing Club and find answers to frequently asked questions, please click the button below. .

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